Eric Mayor, PhD



Mayor, E., & Bietti, L. M. (2024). Language use on Twitter reflects social structure and social disparities. Heliyon, 10, e23528. [link]

Mayor, E., & Lieb, R. (2024). Dispositional factors in the explanation of symptoms of depression, anxiety, health anxiety and COVID-19 Phobia. Plos one, 19(4), e0299593. [link]


Bangerter, A., Mayor, E., Muralidhar, S., Kleinlogen, E., Gatica-Perez, D. & Schmid-Mast, M. (2023). Automatic identification of storytelling responses to past-behavior interview questions via machine learning. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 31, 376-387. [link]

Bietti, L. M., & Mayor, E. (2023). A longitudinal study of conversational remembering in WhatsApp group messages before, during and after COVID-19 lockdown. Memory, Mind & Media, 2, e5, 1-36. [link]

Mayor, E. (2023). Neurotrophic effects of intermittent fasting, calorie restriction and exercise: A review and annotated bibliography. Frontiers in Aging, 4, 1161814. [link]

Mayor, E., Bietti, L. M., & Canales-Rodríguez, E. J. (2023). Text as signal. A tutorial with case studies focusing on social media (Twitter). Behavior Research Methods, 55, 2595–2620. [link]

Mayor, E., & Miani A. (2023). A topic models analysis of the news coverage of the Omicron variant in the United Kingdom press. BMC Public Health, 23, 1509. [link]

Hallahan, M. & Mayor, E. (2023). Editorial: Emerging research: conspiracy beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1325109. [link]

Mayor, E. (2023). “How many electricians are needed to change a lightbulb?” Matching the large language model to the task at hand. Social Science Research Network, 4474649. [link]


Massell, J., Lieb, R., Meyer, A., & Mayor, E. (2022). Fluctuations of psychological states on Twitter before and during COVID-19. PLOS ONE, 17, e0278018. [link]

Mayor, E., Miché, M., & Lieb, R. (2022). Associations between emotions expressed in internet news and subsequent emotional content on Twitter. Heliyon, e12133. [link]


Mayor, E., & Bietti, L. (2021). Twitter, time and emotions. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 201900. [link]

Mayor, E., Meier, A., Miani, A., & Lieb, R. (2021). An exploration of the nomological network of trypophobia. PLOS ONE, 16, e0257409. [link]

* 2020 *

Bangerter, A., Mayor, E., & Knutsen, D. (2020). Lexical entrainment without conceptual pacts? Revisiting the matching task. Journal of Memory and Language, 114, 104129. [link]

Bianchi, R., Laurent, E., Schonfeld, I. S., Bietti, L. M., & Mayor, E. (2020). Memory bias toward emotional information in burnout and depression. Journal of Health Psychology, 25, 1567-1575. [link]

Mayor, E., Daehne, M., & Bianchi, R. (2020). The Dark Triad of personality and attitudes toward cognitive enhancement. BMC Psychology, 8, 119. [link]

Mayor, E. (2020). Nonverbal immediacy mediates the relationship between social motives and belongingness. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, 596429. [link]

Muralidhar, S., Kleinlogel, E., Mayor, E., Bangerter, A., Schmid Mast, M. & Gatica-Perez, D. (2020). Understanding applicants' reactions to asynchronous video interviews though self-reports and nonverbal cues. In Proceedings of the 22th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. [link]

* 2019 *

Bietti, L. M., Bangerter, A., Knutsen, D., & Mayor, E. (2019). Cultural transmission in a food preparation task: The role of interactivity, innovation and storytelling. PloS one14, e0221278. [link]

Mayor, E., Daehne. M., & Bianchi, R. (2019). How perceived substance characteristics affect ethical judgement towards cognitive enhancement. PLOS ONE14, e0213619. [link]

Knutsen, D., Bangerter, A., & Mayor, E. (2019). Procedural coordination in the matching task. Collabra, 5, 3. [link]

* 2018 *

Bianchi, R., Mayor, E., Schonfeld, I. S., & Laurent, E. (2018). Burnout and depressive symptoms are not primarily linked to perceived organizational problems. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23, 1094-1105. [link]

* 2017 *

Bietti, L., Bangerter, A., & Mayor, E. (2017). The interactive shaping of social learning in transmission chains. In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink & E.Davelaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1641-1646). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. [link]

Faniko, K., Burckhardt, T., Sarrasin, O., Lorenzi-Cioldi, F., Øyslebø Sørensen, S., & Mayor, E. (2017). Quota women threaten men: Unveiling the (counter-) stereotypization of beneficiaries of affirmative action policies. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 76, 107-116. [link]

Mayor, E., & Bietti, L. (2017). Ethnomethodological studies of nurse-patient and nurse-relative interactions: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 70, 46-57. [link]

* 2016 *

Bianchi, R., Schonfeld I. S., Mayor, E. & Laurent, E. (2016) Burnout-depression overlap: A study of New Zealand schoolteachers. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 45, 4-11. [link]

Brosy, J., Bangerter, A., & Mayor, E. (2016). Disfluent responses to job interview questions and what they entail. Discourse Processes, 53, 351-391. [link]

Fasel, N., Sarrasin, O., Green, E. G. T., & Mayor, E. (2016). Who is to blame? Official discourse and ethnic diversity attitudes during the 2011 riots in England. Political Psychology, 37, 659-675. [link]

Mayor E. & Bangerter A. (2016). Flexible coordination of stationary and mobile conversations with gaze: Resource allocation among multiple joint activities. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1582. [link]

* 2015 *

Mayor, E. (2015). Gender roles and traits in stress and health. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 779. [link]

Mayor, E., & Bangerter, A. (2015). Managing perturbations during handover meetings: a joint activity framework. Nursing Open, 2, 130-140. [link]

Mayor, E. & Gamaiunova, L. (2015). Mobile device-based mindfulness intervention promotes emotional regulation during anticipatory stress. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communication and Applications, 16, e1 [link]

* 2014 *

Mayor, E. & Gamaiunova, L. (2014). Using wearable technology for psychophysiological experiments. Gender roles and cognitive appraisal impact cardiac response to socio-evaluative stress. In K. S. Nikita, N. Bourbakis, B. Lo, D. I. Fotiadis, Y. Hao and A. Kiourti (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (pp 15-18). Athens: IEEE. [link]

Roulin, N., Mayor, E., & Bangerter, A. (2014). How to satisfy and retain personnel despite job market shortage? Multilevel predictors of nurses’ job satisfaction and intent to leave. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73, 13-24. [link]

Sarrasin, O., Mayor, E., & Faniko, K. (2014). Gender traits and cognitive appraisal in young adults: The mediating role of locus of control. Sex Roles, 70, 122-133. [link]

* 2013 *

Bangerter, A., & Mayor, E. (2013). Lexical entrainment without conceptual pacts? Revisiting the matching task. Proceedings of the Workshop Production of referring expressions: bridging the gap between cognitive and computational approaches to reference. [link]

Mayor, E., & Bangerter, A. (2013). Coordinating turning while walking and talking. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics. Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science society (pp. 3002 - 3007). Austin: Cognitive Science Society. [link]

Mayor, E., Eicher, V., Bangerter, A., Gilles, I., Clémence, A., & Green, E. G. T. (2013). Dynamic social representations of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: shifting patterns of sense-making and blame. Public Understanding of Science, 22, 1011-1024. [link]

* 2011 - 2012 *

Bangerter, A., Mayor, E., & Pekarek Doehler, S. (2011). Reported speech in conversational storytelling during nursing shift handover meetings. Discourse Processes, 48, 183-214. [link]

Mayor, E. (2011). Adaptability of nursing handovers: contingency theory shows the limits of standardization. Studies in Communication Sciences, 11, 173-194. [link]

Mayor, E., Bangerter A. & Aribot M. (2012). Task uncertainty and communication during nursing shift handovers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68, 1956–1966. [link]


Mayor, E. (2015). Learning predictive analytics with R. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. [link]


Bangerter, A., & Mayor, E. (2013). Interactional theories of communication. In P. J. Schulz & P. Cobley (Eds.), Handbook of communication science, Vol. 1: Theories and models of communication (pp. 257-271). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [link]


Faniko, K, Lorenzi-Cioldi, F., Sarrasin, O., & Mayor, E. (Eds.) (2016). Gender and social hierarchies. Perspectives from social psychology. New York: Routledge. [link]

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